Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DAR Basilan Conducts ARC Level of Development Assessment for 2011

The provincial office of the Department of Agrarian Reform in Basilan conducted the ARC level of development assessment (ALDA) for 2011.

ALDA is a development tool utilized by DAR to determine the level of development of the ARCs and define the appropriate interventions.

There are six key result areas that served basis for the said assessment.  They are:

(1) Land Tenure Improvement (LTI) that assesses the extent of land acquisition and distribution, ownership, cultivation, land amortization and the improvement of tenurial status of the ARBs.

(2) Organizational Maturity (OM). This evaluates the results of interventions under the social infrastructure and local capability building (SILCAB) such as organizational functionality and viability of the ARB organizations in the ARC.

(3) Economic & Physical Infrastructure Support Services (ECOPISS). This rates the delivery of required economic and physical infrastructure support such as provision of credit and marketing services, rural based industries, farm to market roads and irrigation facilities.

(4) Farm Productivity and Income (FPI) that assesses the ARBs appropriate farming technology as well as increase in the farm productivity and income.

(5)  Basic Social Services (BSS) that looks into the existing basic social services in the ARCs and the extent of the access of the ARB households to these services.

(6) Gender and Development (GAD) that gives importance to women’s  access to land and services as well as participation in community programs & projects.

After the raw data has been gathered and processed, the final level of development shall be presented as follows:

Ø      Level 1            -  Low level of development
Ø      Level 2            -  Lower medium level of development
Ø      Level 3            -  Medium Level of development
Ø      Level 4            -  Higher medium level of development
Ø      Level 5            -  High level of development

Basilan has eleven (11) agrarian reform communities, namely:

1. Sta. Clara Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative, Inc. (SCARBIDCI) in Sta. Clara, Lamitan City

2. Lamitan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (LARBECO) in Limook, Lamitan City 

3. Tipo-tipo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Development Cooperative (TARBADECO), in Tipo-tipo Proper, Tipo-tipo 

4. Tipo-tipo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (TIPARBECO) in Bohe Pahu, Ungkaya Pukan 

5. Tumahubong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (TARBIDC) in Tumahubong, Sumisip 

6. East Sumisip Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (ESARBECO) in Sumisip

7. Cabato Tahajid Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (CATARBEDECO) in Guiong, Sumisip 

8.  Mangal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (MARBEDCO) in Mangal, Sumisip 

9. Canas Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Development Cooperative (CARBADECO) in Calang Canas, Maluso

10. Tairan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Multi-Purpose Cooperative (TARBAMC) in Tairan, Lantawan

11. Resettlement Area in Sumisip with four organizations namely:

Alih-Ismael-Muhtamad Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (AIMARBEMPCO)

Mahatallang Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries  Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MARBEMPCO)

Baiwas Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (BARBIDC)

Sampinit Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (SARBIDC)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is confident that Notices of Coverage can be issued for all lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms (CARPER) before the law expires in year 2014. In fact, DAR will be able to issue Notices of Coverage for all Phase 1 – 3A landholdings before the end of 2012.  It will also be able to issue Notices of Coverage for all Phase 3B lands in the first quarter of 2013[1], subject to the requirements of RA 9700.

This move, according to Agrarian Reform Secretary Virgilio de los Reyes, will ensure that all landholdings covered by CARP will be distributed to farmer-beneficiaries before the term of President Benigno Simeon Aquino ends in 2016.

De los Reyes said that from February to May 2012, days were set for the mass processing of claims folders in all provinces with significant land acquisition and distribution balance[2] (or LAD balance) especially the 21 provinces where more than 60% of the LAD balance is located.

These “claim folder days” enabled the DAR management to analyze individual landholdings targeted for acquisition in order to track its progress and address problems. This will enable the DAR to institute global solutions to problems delaying the LAD process. This mass processing of all claim folders had never been done before. Data from these claim folder processing is being processed and will be utilized to craft specific measures to address specific types of problems.
The mass processing of claim folders will enable DAR to determine which landholdings have not yet been issued Notices of Coverage (NOCs), which have been issued defective NOCs, which have been issued NOCs but it is unclear whether it had been properly received. For these landholdings, DAR will issue or reissue Notices of Coverage.

Delos Reyes again stressed that agrarian reform under the Aquino Administration is proceeding apace despite the huge challenges facing the program.

During President Aquino’s first two years, DAR managed to acquire and distribute 219,069 hectares of land throughout the country.

Though this is not exemplary, this is by no means the lowest accomplishment in the history of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

The lowest recorded was 59,495 hectares of land distributed in 2009 because of the uncertainties brought about by the transition the new law extending funding for the agrarian reform program (RA 9700 or CARPER). The second lowest was 97,795 hectares recorded in 2003.

Last year alone, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) distributed 111,889 hectares of land nationwide, which is slightly higher than the 107,180 hectares distributed in 2010.
DAR has completed the acquisition of 18,414 landholdings with a total area of 120,286 hectares for a gross accomplishment rate of 60%. Of this area, 8,397 hectares are exclusions from the same landholding and retention areas of landowners.
Thus, 111,889 hectares were actually distributed to 63,755 agrarian reform beneficiaries last year.

Delos Reyes explained that the remaining Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Balance of 961,974 hectares nationwide will be covered under the guidelines set by CARPer.

Phase 3B lands (5-10 hectares) constitute 187,959 hectares of the LAD balance. This can only be covered from July 2013 to June 2014.

Phase 3A lands (10-24 hectares), which can only be covered from July 2012 to June 2013, totals 217,639 hectares. But, only Phase 3A lands in excess of 10 hectares can be covered during this period. This means that 163,660 hectares of Phase 3A lands can only be covered from July 2013 to June 2014. Thus 351,619 hectares of the LAD balance (37%) can only be covered in the last year (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014) of CARPER.

This leaves only 610,355 hectares of the LAD balance that can be covered from now until June 2013. Of this total hectarage, 13,553 hectares are for reconstitution, 30,984 hectares are untitled private agricultural lands and 179,826 hectares are problematic landholdings (with cases, with defective titles or technical descriptions, etc.)

Delos Reyes said DAR is right on schedule in land acquisition and distribution despite the fact that the remaining lands to be distributed are the more contentious ones and requires a longer and more tedious process to acquire and distribute.

It should be noted that the large portion of the DAR’s accomplishments in previous administrations are acquisitions that are “easy”: government-owned lands, voluntary land transfers, and voluntary offer to sell. The remaining balance is by no means easy to distribute:

  • Around 93.58% of the LAD balance (900,188 hectares) are private agricultural land;
  • Almost 85% of the LAD Balance (816,491 hectares) are LBP-compensable (that is, government will pay the landowner just compensation);
  • About 62% of the LAD balance (596,036 hectares) will be covered through compulsory acquisition (CA).
Therein lies the challenge. Government-owned lands are easy to distribute precisely because the government owns the land and in a number of cases just recognizes the possession of the actual tiller of the land.

Voluntary modes of acquisition and distribution are easier precisely because the landowner offers his land for distribution. There are two modes: voluntary land transfer (VLT) and voluntary offer to sell (VOS). The difference between the two is that in the case of VLT, government does not pay for the land because this is a direct payment scheme (the agrarian reform beneficiary pays amortization directly to the landowner). In the case of VOS, government pays for the land, distributes it to beneficiaries and the beneficiaries pay amortization to the Land Bank of the Philippines.

In contrast, coverage through Compulsory Acquisition is just that—compulsory. Government (DAR) acquires the land whether the owner wants to or not and distributes these to farmer-beneficiaries. The documentation in these cases is more tedious and the process takes longer. The flowchart at the end of this paper show the entire process of compulsory acquisition and compares this with other modes of acquisition and distribution.

And a lot can happen to slow down the process:
  • Titles can become missing. Technical descriptions in titles may be erroneous. Or the landholding may be an untitled property. Or the landholding might be projected as being timberland. (The land management system and the titling system in the country is not of the best quality although the current Land Registration Authority and the DENR are trying to remedy this through digitization and computerization).
  • The landowner might have been able to sell or transfer the landholding without the necessary DAR clearance. Or the landowner on record might have died.
  • The landowner might file a Protest against Coverage or a Petition for Exemption/Exclusion.
  • During beneficiary identification, petitions for inclusion or exclusion may be filed.
The above list enumerates just the most common factors that slow down the land acquisition and distribution.
It should be noted also that additional provisions in the RA 9700 or CARPER stretched the acquisition process to 12 – 15 months. The process of farmer beneficiary (FB) identification alone takes 5 to 6 months to complete as it requires posting, attestation of landowner, revalidation of list of FB materlist, among others.

The present DAR Administration has been able to put up the systems that will speed up the land distribution process, but only after thorough analysis of what needs to be improved.

dar web news pix 2 june 8 2012_400
To speed up the process, new rules for land acquisition and distribution was drafted and issued on October 2011. The Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private Agricultural Lands (AO 7 Series of 2011) simplified the LAD process and shortens the process to 182 working days (about 9 months).

Additional improvements in making the LAD process faster and more efficient were put in place in the last half of 2011. These include (a) monitoring the progress of acquisition on a per landholding basis and (b) the institution of time standards and cost parameter per LAD activity. In this way, DAR’s field offices and the Central Office Field Operations Office can track deviations, immediately identify problems and put in place remedial measures. Additional survey equipment and survey software compatible with those used by the DENR were procured to speed up surveys and its approval by the DENR. Negros Occidental alone now has 20 complete survey stations with corresponding computer hardware and software.

In the two provinces with the highest land acquisition and distribution balances, Negros Occidental and Camarines Sur, the provincial office was split into two operational units. The staff of Negros Occidental has been augmented with additional personnel. Vehicles and equipment have been, or are being, procured.

Global solutions to technical and administrative problems are being explored as well to address technical and other issues that delay the acquisition process. For this, the DAR is working closely with its partner agencies, the Land Registration Authority (LRA) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). A Joint Memorandum Circular of the DAR and LRA signed last December 2011 would require the annotation of the Notice of Coverage on titles of CARP-covered lands to prevent illegal transfers meant to circumvent CARP coverage. Agreements in principle will permit DAR to request the mass processing of documents required from the LRA and the DENR. For example, the DAR has completed the list of about 10,000 landholdings targeted for coverage in Negros Occidental for which it requested Certified True Copies of titles from the LRA. Likewise, DAR has completed a list of landholdings from North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Lanao Norte for which it will request LMS certifications from the DENR. (LMS is the Land Management Sector of the DENR).

Phase 1:Large private agricultural landholdings above 50 hectares as well as rice and corn lands under PD 27, all idle and abandoned lands, and private lands voluntarily offered by owners for agrarian reform (VOS and VLT).

Phase 2A:Private lands 24 hectares up to 50 hectares which have been subjected to Notices of Coverage on or before December 10, 2008, land of government financial institutions (GFI), landed estates, settlements and other government-owned lands. With Phase 1, this is scheduled for acquisition and distribution until June 2012. 

(Phase 1 – 2A lands are currently being covered for acquisition and distribution)
Phase 2B: All remaining private lands in excess of 24 hectare up to 50 hectares.
Phase 3A: Smaller landholdings above 10 hectares up to 24 hectares in so far as the excess hectarage above 10 hectares are concerned.

(Phase 2B and Phase 3A lands are due for acquisition on July 1, 2012 up to June 30, 2013.)
Phase 3B: Small private agricultural lands that are above 5 hectares up to 10 hectares.

(Phase 3B lands are scheduled for distribution on July 2013 to June 2014.)
LAD balance refers to CARPable lands that have yet to be acquired and distributed.

(Reposted from www.dar.gov.ph)

Second Agrarian Reform Community Project (ARCP 2)

ARCP2 is a foreign-assisted project of the Department of Agrarian Reform in Basilan benefiting six agrarian reform communities in Basilan. They are the following:

Sta. Clara Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (SCARBIDC)
Sta. Clara, Lamitan

Tipo-tipo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Development Cooperative (TARBADECO)
Tipo-tipo Proper, Tipo-tipo

Tipo-tipo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative  (TIPARBECO)
Bohe Pahuh, Ungkaya Pukan

Tumahubong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative(TARBIDC)
Tumahubong, Sumisip

Mangal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (MARBEDCO)
Mangal, Sumisip

Canas Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Development Cooperative (CARBADECO)
Canas, Maluso

The main components under this project are Agricultural Enterprise Development, Community-Driven Development, and Rural Infrastructure.

The following photos show the site inspection and validation of projects under the infrastructure component of the project in CARBADECO, Maluso.

Rehabilitation and concreting of Sta. Clara-Bohe Nange farm-to-market road in Lamitan City worth P19,038,413.09 spanning a length of eight (8) kilometers.

Site inspection and validation of projects under the infrastructure component of the project in Tumahubong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (TARBIDC), in Tumahubong, Sumisip.
Briefing with LGU-Sumisip

15.4-km rehabilitation of farm-to-market road
Level II potable water system

CARBADECO  Receives Seeds From  DA

Canas Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CARBADECO) in Barangay Canas, Maluso, Basilan received agricultural seeds from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries under the Mindanao Rural Development Project (MRDP). Seeds for vegetables and hybrid corn were distributed for gender and development projects. The seeds will be distributed to target beneficiaries on a monthly basis.

The seeds were received by its manager, Mr. Romeo Hernandez. CARBADECO has 180 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in its fold cultivating rubber and coconut in a 569-hectare property.

In related activities, ARBs from Batungal, Tubigan and Garlayan barangays also received vegetable, palay, and hybrid corn seeds while fish pens were given to beneficiaries in Calang barangay. Garden tools, consisting of pitch forks, shovels, and pickaxes were also given to Townsite Elementary School.

MRDP has also allocated a funding of P500,000  each of the five barangays for rubber development. Each individual will receive 500 seedlings.

CARBADECO manager, Romeo Hernandez, with DAR municipal officer for Maluso, Lolita Perez, and officers from the Beneficiaries Development and Coordinating Division headed by Engr. Raymond Lintag.

Farm implements and seeds from the municipal agriculturist office.

DAR Maluso municipal officer, Lolita Perez, with the municipal agriculturist (standing fourth from left) and the farmer beneficiaries.

Turn over of seeds and farm implements.

LARBECO Opens Savings and Credit Branch in Isabela City

The Lamitan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (LARBECO) based in Limook, Lamitan City inaugurated their second satellite mini-savings bank on N. Valderroza Street, Isabela City, February 26, 2012 (in front of the Bureau of Internal Revenue office).

Services offered are regular savings and time deposits. The establishment also extends the following loan assistance: business, salary and pension with 4%, 4% and 3% interest rates, respectively.

The cooperative’s members’ savings operation was first established in November 2002 funded under the Belgian Integrated Agrarian Reform Support Program, a foreign-assisted project of the Department of Agrarian Reform. It has further earned the support of NATCO.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

PBD Orientation and Reporting System

A PBD orientation and reporting system was conducted in the eastern and western sectors of the municipal offices last July.

On PBD accomplishment reporting, Supervisor Rosita T. Liciapag discussed the Table 2a (PBD provincial plan form for ARCs), Table 2b (PBD provincial plan form for ARBs in non-ARCs), and Table 2c (PBD provincial plan form for enterprise-based model).

Monitoring and evaluation point person Expedito Acejas and information officer Maricor Dans, ALDA provincial coordinator Juliet Guardino discussed Forms 1-10 and the standard ARC profiles, and ALDA forms, respectively.

CDD coordinator for ARCP2, MARO Minda Jamjiron, discussed ARCP2 self-help group.

Western Sector, July 20, 2011
Venue: Western Sector Office, MARO, Isabela City, Basilan

BDCD chief, Engr. Raymond N. Lintag, delivers the rationale.

Eastern Sector,July 25-26, 2011
Venue: Lamitan ARB Cooperative (LARBECO), Limo-ok, Lamitan City

M & E coordinator, Expedito Acejas, discusses Forms 1-10.

Development facilitators from the eastern sector...

Reposted from August 22, 2011

Programang Agraryo Iskolar

The scholarship program of the DAR started in 2003 under the President Diosdado Macapagal Agrarian Scholarship Program (PDMASP). It aims to help dependents attain education to be able to help their parent-beneficiaries improve their standard of living.

A total of 44 grantees from 2003 to 2010, who are dependents of agrarian reform beneficiaries, stood to benefit from a monthly stipend, book allowance, and tuition fee of P1,000, 500, and 2,000 respectively. Thirty-eight of these scholars saw through graduation from various courses such as bachelor in agriculture, science, marine transportation, education, arts, and nursing.

Now renamed into Programang Agraryong Iskolar, the current batch (fifth) has in its fold 16 grantees due to graduate in 2014.

Below are some of the 38 successful grantees under the scholarship program of the DAR. (Please click on pictures to enlarge.)

Reposted from June 15, 2011


Name of ARC : Tumahubong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
Integrated Development Cooperative
Barangay Covered : Tumahubong
Location : Sumisip
ARC Population : 2,212
Average Household Income : P99,000/annum
Organization : TARBIDC
No. of Identified ARBs : 316
No. of Members : 302
Registered with : Cooperative Development Authority
Date/Year Registered : December 1990
Total Capital Build-Up : P10,724,890.00
Total Assets : P7,267,542.95
Total Liabilities : P17,950,748.00
Land Area Awarded : 1,017.1524 has.
Land Valuation : P40,479,521.01
Land Tenure Arrangement : Collective ownership
Land Use : Rubber- 968.0000 has.
Durian – 5.000 has.
Industrial/residential – 50 has.
Principal Products : Rubber
Economic Activities : Production and processing of rubber, operation of consumers’ store

Historical Background :

Siltown Realty, Inc. and other registered landowners comprising an area of 1,017 hectares formerly owned the property. Sime Darby Philippines, Inc., an international company engaged in the manufacture of rubber tires in the Philippines and Asia, developed and managed it.

When the CARP Law unfolded its force, the rubber plantation was voluntarily offered for sale to the government in 1989. In March 1990, Sime Darby stopped its operation in the plantation and the cooperative of agrarian reform beneficiaries took over its management.

Apart from its being a rubber plantation, the cooperative also undertakes other activities such as:

Tilapia-rearing on a one-hectare plot

Maintenance of rubber nursery

Vegetable gardening

TARBIDC Plantation Manager, Mr. Taha Katoh
(Reposted from June 15, 2011)