Tuesday, May 22, 2012

General Assemblies in Different Cooperatives

The first quarter of the year normally sees through the general assemblies of different agrarian reform cooperatives in the province.

The following pictures show us around the activities of different ARCs.

Mangal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (MARBEDCO)
Mangal, Sumisip

Election for the new set of board of directors

Election for chairmanship

Oath-taking of the new Board of Directors

Tumahubong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (TARBIDC)
Tumahubong, Sumisip

Oath-taking of new set of Board of Directors

Sta. Clara Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative, Inc. (SCARBIDCI)
Sta. Clara, Lamitan

The Chairman of the Board of Directors gives his annual report.

(Reposted from June 15, 2011)

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