Monday, February 25, 2013

DAR-ARMM Secretary Visits Basilan
Tours the ARCs, Meets with DAR Employees

(DARPO Basilan PARO Suwaib Ismael (standing) welcomes the Secretary (right) as CARPO for Operations, Engr. Ronald Gadaingan, looks on.)

DAR-ARMM Secretary Atty. Aquino J. Sajili spent three days in Basilan and got the feel of what is being in a vibrant and functional agrarian reform communities. Awed about what he has seen around, he revealed that he will boast of the province’s ARCs because it is only in Basilan where there is real agrarian reform. With the launching of the convergence initiative in the ARMM, he stated that DAR should not be left behind in implementing programs and that there should be no need for food security to be threatened.  

The Secretary hailed the leadership of PARO Suwaib S. Ismael where he showed his all-out praises for the provincial office which the Secretary claimed to be number one in terms of quality service. He disclosed that there are no fake CLOAs or ghost agrarian reform beneficiaries in Basilan. By this, he was committed to do everything for Basilan.

Atty. Aquino also held audience with the DAR employees where he discussed some administrative, financial and operational issues concerning the agency.

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