Thursday, August 7, 2014

MSU-GenSan Conducts Training, Validates Project Proposal

The Needs and Design Assessment team, composed of Dr. Wilfred Bidad and Czarina Saikol, conducted a two-day farmers’ field school training for Sta. Clara Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Integrated Development Cooperative (SCARBIDC) in Sta. Clara. 

Topics discussed were Islamic principle of organizations,  orientation to new Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) forms, abstract of expenses, organizational structures, vision, mission and goal statements, annual development plan, coop strengthening (Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008), social audit, cooperative values, principles and practices.

The team also conducted a validation session with Mangal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (MARBEDCO) for their project on mechanized rubber-coconut production which will come in the form of one (1) unit farm tractor with trailer. 

Prof. Czarina Saikol (above) validates the project proposal together with
MARBEDCO’s board of directors (below). 

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