Staff from the Beneficiaries Development and Coordination Division (BDCD) led by its chief, Engr. Raymond N. Lintag, conducted a two-day target-setting session for program beneficiaries development (PBD) for 2014 attended by all DAR municipal staff and selected provincial personnel at the provincial office, this city.
The activity aimed in improving and accomplishing PBD targets for year 2014 and for field personnel to be updated with PBD directives and strengthen the capacity development of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) by focusing mainly on their human resources. The two sections of BDCD which are sustainable agri-based rural enterprise development (SARED) and social infrastructure and local capability building (SILCAB) discussed their respective topics with the field personnel emphasizing on the needs of ARBs for more moral support from the DAR programs and projects such as Agrarian Reform Communities Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS), bottoms-up budgeting (BuB), and the Agrarian Reform Communities Projects Phase 2 (ARCP2) of foreign-assisted projects.
Presentation of the municipal staff under different sectors on their respective target setting were done on the second day. It particularly stressed on the number of ARBs to be trained for this year and the on-going rural infrastructure projects in the different ARCs.
Various issues and concerns were also raised by the field personnel especially in the implementation of DAR’s programs and projects. These issues ranged from lack of manpower, lack of transportation (motor vehicle) and other operational expenses to problems on listing and delisting of ARBs. Afterward, suggestions and recommendations on its corresponding solutions were jointly brought up jointly by both provincial and municipal staff to address these issues.
The CA confirmed the appointment of new DAR secretary castriciones...lets hope the smooth implementation of the CARP proceed as usual