Tuesday, July 1, 2014

LARBECO Holds 19th Annual General Assembly

Lamitan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative in Lamitan City observed their 19th annual general assembly at its administration compound in Limook, Lamitan City.

Mr. Rodelio Ramonez, LARBECO’s chairman of the Board of Directors formally opened the meeting after the quorum was declared which was followed by the sercretary’s reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.

Engr. Raymond Lintag (right) receives a certificate of appreciation from LARBECO coop chairman Rodel Ramonez on behalf of the DAR.

The following reports were rendered afterwards such as status of membership, its BOD accomplishment report, fixed assets, improvements acquired for the year 2013, amendments, capitalization, plans and programs for 2014, sources of financial assistance and support services, unfinished business and on-going projects and audited financial statement of 2013. Thereafter, it was followed by the election of the officers for Election Committee (ELECOM).

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