Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cooperative Annual General Assemblies in Pictures

The first and second quarters of the year are set for annual general assemblies in agrarian reform communities (ARCs). This is the time where the membership show their power by putting into office their choices of board of directors that will steer the cooperatives into progressive communities. 

Lamitan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (LARBECO)
Limook, Lamitan City, Basilan

Above: DAR's BDCD Chief, Raymond N. Lintag
LARBECO's general manager Jose R. Bernadas 

Tairan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Multi-Purpose Cooperative (TARBAMC)
Tairan, Lantawan

Canas Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Agricultural Development Cooperative (CARBADECO), Canas, Maluso


Mangal Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Cooperative (MARBEDCO) 
Mangal, Sumisip

Newly elected members of the board of directors were presented before the general assembly following the election of coop officers.

It is in these activities that issues and concerns are heard and settled, the financial conditions are thoroughly presented to the members, dividends or patronage refunds are distributed, and new set of officers for the board of directors and committees are chosen.

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